
Friday Dec 15, 2023
Ep. 102 - All About Wireless Microphones
Friday Dec 15, 2023
Friday Dec 15, 2023
On this episode of The Filming with Josh Podcast, host Joshua Milligan talks all about wireless audio gear. The Rustic River DP kicks off the episode by discussing the difference between UHF and 2.4 GHz systems before then diving into things to look for when purchasing a wireless kit. Josh also discusses rechargeable vs interchangeable batteries, body pack mics, plug-on transmitters, handheld mics, headset mics, aftermarket lapels, why you would want to buy different colored lapels, what frequency ranges to buy, and more. Buying into a wireless audio system can feel like a daunting task if you’re not sure where to start, so if you’re a videographer in need of some wireless gear, this podcast is for you!

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Ep. 101 - Sticking with a Camera Brand
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
On this episode of The Filming with Josh Podcast, host Joshua Milligan discusses why he sees value in sticking with one brand of camera for video work. Knowing how to operate a variety of cameras is important as you never know when you’ll need to run a different brand of camera than you normally work with. But, sticking to one brand as an owner/operator can help you be a better shooter. In this episode, the Rustic River DP explains why. So if you’re a camera owner/operator, this podcast is for you!

Friday Nov 03, 2023
Ep. 100 - Finding Your Lane
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
On episode 100 of The Filming with Josh Podcast, host Joshua Milligan discusses the importance of finding your lane. Determining your lane is an important step in running a successful video or photo business. Knowing where to focus your time and money in order to find your ideal client is an essential step in growing your career. In this episode, the Rustic River DP breaks down why. So if you’re in the video or photo industry, this podcast is for you!

Monday Oct 16, 2023
Ep. 99 - Two Truths and a Lie
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
On this episode of The Filming with Josh Podcast, host Joshua Milligan breaks down two truths and a lie that have to do with having a career in video production. From the outside looking in, it’s easy to have a perception about what you think it’s like for people who make videos for a living. Some of those perceptions are true, some aren’t. In episode 99, Josh presents two perceptions that he believes are true and one that he thinks is a misconception when it comes to having a career in video. If you’re in the video industry, or even if you’re someone who’s just curious what it’s like, this podcast is for you!

Friday Oct 06, 2023
Ep. 98 - Shooting Better Interviews
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
On this episode of The Filming with Josh Podcast, host Joshua Milligan walks you through how to shoot better interviews. From location scouting to sound, lighting, camera and lens choice, as well as how to work with talent, Josh covers everything you need to think about when it comes to filming interviews. Interviews are the backbone to many projects and learning how to shoot great interviews is important for a successful career in video. In this episode you’ll gain a lot of insight into how Josh approaches his interview projects and how he decides where to film, how to film, what mics or lights to use, and more. So if you’re a videographer, DP, or camera operator of any kind, this podcast is for you!

Monday Sep 18, 2023
Ep. 97 - Dynamic Range: What is it and Does it Even Matter?
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023
On this episode of The Filming with Josh Podcast, host Joshua Milligan talks all about dynamic range, what it is and whether or not it matters in video. In this podcast the Rustic River DP first explains how to set proper exposure using middle gray and IRE values before then diving into what a stop of light means. Josh next discusses how to use stops of light to measure dynamic range and what dynamic range really is before finally wrapping up with whether or not dynamic range matters in video production. This is a pretty informative podcast that will leave you understanding more about how you can better expose your images, so if you’re a videographer, DP, or camera operator of any kind, this podcast is for you!

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Ep. 96 - The All New Sony BURANO
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
On this episode of The Filming with Josh Podcast, host Joshua Milligan discusses the newly announced Sony BURANO. In last week’s episode, Josh and guest Kyle Bamberger discussed the BURANO and what they thought the camera would be. Josh follows up that podcast by breaking down the now announced BURANO, what it is, what it is priced, what all features it has, and who this camera is aimed at. If you’re a DP who’s in the market for a mid to high-end cinema camera, or if you’re just a gear head who loves to talk shop, this podcast is for you!

Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Ep. 95 - New Camera Gear Releases with Kyle Bamberger
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
On this episode of The Filming with Josh Podcast, host Joshua Milligan and guest Kyle Bamberger talk about five new pieces of camera gear that have recently been released or announced. Josh and Kyle start the podcast off by discussing two products that were released the day of recording this episode, the Formatt Hitech Bloom Gold diffusion filters and the GoPro Hero12 Black, before then diving into the Sony 16-35 2.8 GM II lens and the Cooke SP3 cinema lens set. The two DPs then end the podcast by discussing the upcoming Sony BURANO and what they expect to see in this new CineAlta cinema camera. This is a tech filled podcast, so if you’re a camera operator and you love gear, this podcast is for you!

Monday Aug 28, 2023
Ep. 94 - Are We Losing the Art of Storytelling?
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
On this episode of The Filming with Josh Podcast, host Joshua Milligan discusses whether or not we are losing the art of storytelling. Josh talks about recent short film and movie projects he’s watched and why he feels the stories in each are severely lacking. Josh then dives into why he thinks storytelling is starting to take a backseat to turn-and-burn projects before offering advice on how to change the narrative. If you’re a storyteller who uses your camera in place of a book, this podcast is for you!

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Ep. 93 - Scripting the Unscripted
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
On this episode of The Filming with Josh Podcast, host Joshua Milligan talks about how to write a script for unscripted projects. Many people everyday create short films, docs, or even TV shows that are based on stories that haven’t unfolded yet. Whether that be a film about a fishing trip to South America or a TV series about a baseball team and their chase for the postseason, there are stories everywhere being captured as they happen. But, how do you script for something like that, something that hasn’t yet taken place? In this episode, Josh explains why it’s important to write scripts for unscripted projects before then offering advice on how to do it. The Rustic River DP walks you through two hypothetical projects and explains how he would approach scripting them. From there, he ends the episode by explaining how he wished he would’ve had similar advice for some of the projects he produced in the past that could have been better than what they were. If you’re a storyteller who likes telling stories that haven’t yet unfolded, this podcast is for you!